Current Channel:
Default Presenter
During this current testing phase there is no cost for using Click Remotley. However, within a few months we will be moving to paid accounts in order to help pay the server bills, etc. We will let everyone who has a beta account know about the plans once they are solidified. If you have any thoughts or ideas you would like to share please reach out to us and let us know at
If you are just looking for audio/visual cues from remote presenters then there is no need to download anything more. However, if you would like to add automated slide advancement then you will need to download either the Windows or Mac OS Helper App from the download link in the header.
The first time you run the app with auto-advance on and the helper app installed on your Powerpoint machine, your OS may ask you to allow accessability permisions as Click Remotely needs the ability to simulate Keystrokes in order to auto-advance your PPT. If you ever have issues with Click remotely not working automatically, the accessability settings would be the first thing to check and possibly reset by removing the permisions and application and then reinstalling.
To get started used the tools located under the Available Channels to create a new channel for a specefic presenter in your show. Then with that channel selected in the selctor click "Copy Presenter Link". This is the link you will need to send your presenter. When they click the PREV or NEXT Buttons on this link you will see a visual cue and hear an audible cue (if selected) telling you when to advance.
If auto-advance is selected and you have the helper app installed on your PPT machine then the presenter cues will be automatically translated into the appropriate slide advancement. You can personally advance the remote machine by using the PREV/Next buttons on the left side of the screen.
In order to change channels/presenters, you will need to select the channel you wish to listen to from the channel selector then press the change channel button. The page requires the button be pressed so that you don't accidently change channels if you are just trying to copy links, etc.
Please take caution with the speaker timer. It is not currently rolled out to the presenter link as I'm invetstigating some issues with it working correctly between browsers.
If a presenter thinks that a click is not being transmitted please check to make sure that they are actually registing a touch event on their device. We have built in multiple redundant low latency ways to communicate the signal from the presenter's device to the backend but have seen a couple of issues where touch events were not fully being registerd on the device used as the clicker. (presenter not touching the button accurately, fingernails, etc). If you are sure that the click is registering then reach out below.
If you notice any additional bugs or need some help troubleshooting your Installation please feel free to reach out at